‘’Developing ceramic-polymer composite solid electrolytes with enhanced ion transport’’


TOPIC 1-24 Rational design of improved Li transport mechanisms in composite ceramic polymer electrolytes by means of electrochemical and solid state NMR characterizations

After obtaining my bachelor's degree in Polymer engineering from the University of Tehran, I joined the Erasmus Mundus MESC+ master programme, and that was when I officially entered the battery field! My master’s thesis was on Single-ion conducting polymer electrolytes, and I am very happy that I did this work at the Chalmers University of Technology. Then I realized that it was time to learn new things, so I joined DESTINY to keep doing my research in batteries, but with a focus on solid-state NMR. I am currently working on developing ceramic-polymer composite solid electrolytes with enhanced ion transport at the interphase. I really enjoy my work, as I keep learning every single day, and that is priceless. Moreover, I have the chance to propose new ideas and be creative.

One of the biggest advantages of being a DESTINY and Marie-Curie fellow is its amazing network and possibility for collaborations which lets me use facilities in different laboratories, see challenges from different perspectives, and learn from several experts. So I feel proud and grateful to be part of MSCA, as it gives me a great opportunity to increase my knowledge, prosper my potential, and in the end become a better researcher.

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